We provide wide range of Services ranging from basicTransaction Processing to Business Consulting servicescustomizing perfectly to the best needs of the Business andthe Industry
While we take care of your Transactions Processing and other Finance Partnering Functions, it allows the Business to have bandwidth and focus more on the Core Business functions and areas.
We live by strong values.
Establish Contact
Connect with us
Requirement Analysis
Scope of Work Assessment
Discussions, Negotiations and Final Agreement
Transfer of Knowledge
Project Go-Live & Final Business as usual
Get the best-in-class services at the optimal costs that suits the business needs and as per industry requirements
We believe in hiring and retaining the best talent from the market & have got the strong industry network
Get the benefits of using the latest technologies and modern infrastructure without additional investments as perks to your services with Myfinpals
With Myfinpals, be assured that your data stays confidential and secured enough with our modern IT infrastructure in place & further governed by our robust data security policy
As one of the Co-Founders and Directors,Sanchit carries an experience of 10 plus yearsin CA practice and Consultancy includingAccounting, Debt Syndication, Equity listings,Business Start-up Advisory, BusinessRestructuring, and Implementation of Taxeffective supply chain structures
As one of the Co-Founders and Directors,Ashish brings to the table 10+ years in CApractice and Consultancy includingAccounting, Bank Stock Audits, StatutoryAudit, Taxation advisory, Corporate Laws,Corporate advisory, ManagementConsultancy, Financial planning, Valuationservices & Debt Syndication services